We provide TOP service:
T: Trustable
For any applications, we shall keep them confidential and process rigorously, which is deeply trusted by our client. Besides, we have a wide variety of customer bases including some well-known universities in Taiwan and world-famous listed companies such as Xiaomi Corporation, Core Pacific Group, FEDERAL LOCK Company, Taiwan Fu Hsing Industrial Co., Ltd., Ta Yih Industries Co., Ltd..
O: Organized
Strictly disciplining our service, quality and efficiency in reasonable price is our value. Throughout the year, 2019, we have already applied for 800 trademarks and 150 patents in Taiwan (the data were counted from only new applications, not included other procedures), which proves that we had both high efficiency and qualification.
P: Professional
We have provided the services in patent that covers all technical fields. Our team specializes in the following areas: electronics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information Engineering, Chemicals Engineering, Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. These fields are all undertaken by our relevant professionals.